Saturday, January 17, 2009


I know I know. It's been over two months since I last blogged. Part of that time was devoted to finishing up classes for fall semester, which included but was not limited to, hundreds of pages of reading, several papers, and final papers + final Arabic exam. Then there was Christmas and then New Year's Eve. But really, there was plenty of time for me to sit down and write something. I just didn't know what to write about. Or maybe it was more like I just didn't feel inspired to sit at my computer and type something that would seem mundane and uninspired.

A year ago today, I was with a wonderful group of people from Luther Seminary and company in the Holy Land. I can't remember exactly where we were or what we were doing. For that I would have to refer back to my journal which is not with me right now. Currently I am visiting my fortress of solitude and freezing my ass off in what was my old room when I was growing up. My big girl bed is now used as a holding ground for mom's random things she has nowhere to put or just hasn't gotten around to finding a better place for. (Note to self: I need to get my big bed up to my place at some point. Probably when Karen and I move this summer.)

I've never really liked the month of January. It is a slow month and it takes me the entire month to stop writing the previous year on my checks and other random things I need the date for. I'm still writing 2008 on things. And no, I'm not a moron, it just takes me a while to get used to writing the new year. Which seriously people, should not be a problem since I have to write 2009 on things at work all the time. In fact just yesterday I typed in 2008 on a bunch of stuff and had to go back into the database and change it all. At least it took some time away from having to hear my boss suck loudly on his goddamn lifesavers. He might as well be standing right next to me and doing it in my ear, which sometimes happens. BOO!!! I don't need to hear people masticating their food or anything for that matter. Please for the love of all that is good in this world, chew with your mouth closed. Please, I'm begging you for my own sanity and for the sanity of others who can't stand it either.

Got to go change my right back...

Ok back...I love how changing your laundry ends up taking 10 minutes, because you have to take it out of the dryer and fold it so it doesn't get wrinkled and then have to be forced to iron it so you don't look like shit when you finally wear that particular piece of clothing, and then if you are doing more than one load of laundry you have to put the stuff in the washer in the dryer and then before you know it, 10 minutes have passed in your life that you can never get back.

January. It is a slow and boring month. It has always been a hard month for me to get through for many reasons. At least in the summer months when I am bored and have nothing I particularly want to or need to do I can go for a walk and clear my head without getting frostbite and literally freezing my ass off. One of my goals this year is to save a bunch of money to go on a trip next January whether with Luther Seminary or just on my own to visit people. I think it is a worthy goal and one I am going to begin working on right away. I think my next post will be a musing on goals I want to have for the next few years, but specifically this year, 2009. If nothing else I will force me to update my blog instead of waiting another two months.