It's been so long since I last blogged I forgot I even had a blog. So much has happened since February that I don't even know where to begin. Therefore I have decided not to recap the last few months but just start with the recent past.
This last weekend, Memorial Day weekend, many of my friends graduated from Luther Seminary. I am so very proud of them all and wish them all the best in their respective ministries. It will be exciting to see where the future leads them all. Love you guys!!!
I recently started dating a wonderful man, who I am just crazy about. Never thought that would happen, but it has and I am so happy that God put this person in my life.
It is now the summer season, well at least in school lingo. I have had a hell of a time finding a second part-time job to go along with my office job for the summer. I intend to keep looking until I find something, but if I don't I have some contingency plans.
If I don't find a second job here are a few options for me to fill the time this summer:
1) Research PhD programs at various Seminaries and Universities in Medieval Church history/Medieval History
2) Continue researching for my thesis I will be writing all next school year
3) Work on German vocabulary and go to various study groups throughout the summer
4) Work on Arabic grammar and vocabulary
5) Go to friends ordinations
6) Find fun creative non-money spending things to do throughout the summer
7) Relax and read some books for fun!
8) Movies, movies, movies!
So yeah, hopefully I am able to find a second job, but if not, I have plenty of things to do to keep me occupied.
Oh, and I can update my blog more often too!