Friday, March 25, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 13

A Challenge You've Overcome

I have overcome many challenges in my life.  The most challenging time in my life was moving to Montana and leaving a lot of people and things I love behind.  But the hardest part of all that was finding out a month after we moved that we lost our first child through miscarriage. 

The only thing that got me through was God and my husband.  It was a very dark time in my life.  But I made it through and have two beautiful boys and have survived 5 years of being an outsider in a place that does not like outsiders.

Friday, March 18, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 12

Your Favorite Personality Trait

Writing about my favorite personality trait is humbling.  First of all, God and life circumstances have formed my personality since I was born.  To pick one thing is very hard. 

My favorite personality trait I have is my resilience.  I have been through a lot in my life so far but I have made it through it all because I am resilient.  My propension for being resilient is only possible because of my faith.  God is with me in all things and my faith in him gives me my favorite personality trait, resilience.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 11

Week 11: Someone Who Inspires You

Someone who inspires me is actually a group of people.  My fellow stay at home moms inspire me.  I am in a situation where I often get help during the day from my husband who is a pastor and has a slightly more flexible schedule than most people.  Many of my friends who are stay at home moms do not have the kind of help I do and they are an inspiration to me for making it through the whole day and not going crazy. 

They are amazing women and I learn so much from each and every one of them.  They are truly a source of inspiration in my life.  God has truly blessed me with inspiring women in my life. 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 10

Week 10:  List 5 Things You Like about You

1) My perseverance
2) My intelligence
3) My loyalty to myself and others
4) My resilience
5) My adventurous side

These are just five things I like about me.