Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Fortress of Solitude...

As many of you know, I have my own personal Fortress of Solitude. I decided to spend the weekend there regrouping and getting ready for classes to start this week. I don't actually have a lot of classes. I only have class on Tuesday night and Friday afternoon until the second half of the semester when I pick up one more class on Tuesday afternoons. Anyway, that's not really the point.

Being an extreme introvert, having a fortress of solitude to escape to is essential for my mental stability. If I don't get enough alone time I get tired and irritated. I almost shut down in social situations if I don't get enough alone time. This is not good for anyone involved. Therefore, having a fortress of solitude is an important part of my life.

Another good thing about my fortress of solitude is that it is a great place to muse over life and the future. Most of the most important decisions I've ever made in my life have been made while at my fortress of solitude. And I over the weekend I have done just this exact thing. I've been thinking a lot about my next course of action in life, because frankly, I'm not exactly sure I like the way it's heading. I've felt this way since the end of fall semester which was right before Christmas and each day it nags at me more and more. So I am doing some research and talking to people and I have a few options that I'm pretty excited about. I'll let you know more when I have made my final decision.

Oh, and the last time I blogged I said I wanted to come up with a list of things I hope to accomplish this year 2009. Here they are in no particular order:

-Get a new job. (This has to do with my rantings above.)
-Go to California to visit my brother
-Go on a date with someone I actually like
-Move into a house or an apartment with "free" laundry facilities
-Sign up to take the Foreign Service exam to become a Foreign Service Officer (Also has to do with my rantings above.)
-Actually learn Arabic and keep up with all the other languages I know
-Have someone dictate my story (since every time I try to write it, I get frustrated because it seems so flat and lifeless) my part of a collective effort between myself and three close friends.
-Try to find peace with the past or at least begin to...this I may never fully accomplish, but it is something I can strive to do everyday, if for no other reason than to learn and become a better person from and through it.

So there it list and rantings. I'll save the rest of my inner dialog for another day. I think what I have written will suffice for now.

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