Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I am almost done with all of my finals. Tonight I am going to sit in the library till close and write till I can't write anymore and finish everything. Everything being my final paper for Paul class which is supposed to be 12-14 pages. On the plus side, I already have three pages written so only 9-11 more to go. Well better get going on that so I don't have to stay up all night working on it. And being that I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow morning to have a discussion about something or other with my small group for another class, I would like to get some sleep so I am half way coherent. I don't need to be completely coherent, but if someone asks me a question, I would like to be able to answer it without having to take a few seconds to register that someone is even talking to me. Alrighty then. I'm off. Later y'all.

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