Tuesday, December 26, 2006

sitting here wishing I were somewhere else

So I'm sitting in the office right now wishing I were somewhere else. I wish I were in bed and when I wake up I'm down at my parent's house. I wake up and hang out with mom and Ralph and then go to a movie that I want to see. That's what my dream day would be. Sadly, the reality is that I am one of six people in the office today, bored out of my mind and I've only been here for twenty minutes. Man this is going to be a long day. On the plus side, I finally have time to work out after work today and I'm going to go and hang out with a friend, watch movies/TV and drink wine. Alrighty then, I better start pretending to be doing work again before my pseudo-boss finds out I'm just wasting time and has a "talk" with me about not getting work done or whatever. Later.

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