Monday, May 24, 2010

Bye Bye 24! and the end of an era...

Wow, two series finales in two nights.  Although I was not emotionally compromised by the series finale of 24 as I was with last night's finale of LOST, it was still pretty freaking awesome!

It is the end of an era for me when it comes to television.  I can honestly say that there is not a single show on TV that I feel the need to cancel all things and drop off the face of the earth for an hour to watch.  Yes I enjoy aspects of GLEE, mostly Sue Silvester and the musical parts, but it is a show I don't mind watching online later on.  There are TV shows that I enjoy, don't get me wrong, but it's not the same as my enthrallment with LOST and 24. 

There is something about these two shows that captured my imagination, took me on a wild ride, to another world for an hour every season.  For one hour a week, sometimes two, I was able to put aside everything and escape from whatever was bothering me or not bothering me and enter a wholly different and sometimes extremely bizarre world on a mysterious island with mysterious people, or on a wild goose chase to stop the bad guys from killing millions of innocent people in the United States and around the world. 

There is nothing like LOST or 24 for me.  Though people will try to recreate these shows in their own way, I truly believe they will fail because the original is always the best.

So here's to an end of an era for me and television.  Looks like I'll be doing a lot more reading from now on.

(Aside:  So You Think You Can Dance is starting again this summer, so I will be watching one show on TV fanatically.  After it's over for the session, all bets are off.)

Dear LOST:

As many of you know, from the very beginning I have been a huge fan of the tv show LOST, which ended last night.  Of course I cried, almost hysterically for a while but when I finally calmed myself down, I was in utter awe that a tv show could cause such a powerful response from me.  I've cried watching things before, but never like this. 

I remember the summer before it started, seeing previews for it on tv and getting super excited every time.  Yes, most times I even did my super excited giggle (yeah, you know the one ;) )... 

And the show did not disappoint.  Never did I waver in my loyalty, even when things got really weird.  I let myself be taken on the wild ride that was and will always be LOST!  Thank you for the amazing 6 year ride! :)  I will always be grateful! 

One of your most loyal fans

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DONE!!! and Now the Fun Begins?!

Hey all!  As of tomorrow at 9:50ish in the am, I am officially done with classes at Luther Seminary.  That does not mean I'm completely done, only that I have completed the first part of my degree, which a few months ago, I wasn't sure was going to happen. 

Now the fun begins?!  I get to work on my thesis proposal over the summer, turn it into the proper channels in September, pray to God it is accepted, and then start "officially" writing my thesis which I will work on throughout the fall semester.  I'll probably actually do quite a bit on it over the summer hence the "officially" before.  There is a lot of hoop jumping to be done still in this second part of my degree program, but at least the class part is over.  No more writing papers.  Now there is just one paper, a 100 page paper.  The end is nigh...I can see the finish line and am looking forward to what happens next. 

Oh the fun begins!