Monday, May 24, 2010

Dear LOST:

As many of you know, from the very beginning I have been a huge fan of the tv show LOST, which ended last night.  Of course I cried, almost hysterically for a while but when I finally calmed myself down, I was in utter awe that a tv show could cause such a powerful response from me.  I've cried watching things before, but never like this. 

I remember the summer before it started, seeing previews for it on tv and getting super excited every time.  Yes, most times I even did my super excited giggle (yeah, you know the one ;) )... 

And the show did not disappoint.  Never did I waver in my loyalty, even when things got really weird.  I let myself be taken on the wild ride that was and will always be LOST!  Thank you for the amazing 6 year ride! :)  I will always be grateful! 

One of your most loyal fans

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