Tuesday, March 15, 2011

These Times are a Changin'

Last night when I got home from work it was still light out!  Awesome! 

I go back and forth on a minute by minute basis about moving to Montana in the near future.  Most of the time I am looking forward to the new adventure and then a few minutes later I become panicked by the idea of being stuck out in the middle of nowhere and unable to find a job.  Mostly I am excited in a good way though.

I have to wait till the week of April 11th to do my oral defense for my thesis, which is about a week and a half later than the April 1st deadline.  I got the okay from the GTE office though, so I'm not going to worry about it.  It means I will have to scrabble to meet the April 15th deadline, but whatever, it's not like I have a job or anything that I can take off time whenever I want and spend the needed hours in the library making corrections on my thesis before April 15th...no, none of that happening here.  Neither am I bitter about it either.  So I throw my hands up in defeat and say fuck it and move on.

Spring is starting to show itself in subtle ways.  This is exciting because if I see another snow flake I might just have to end it all.  (I'm not being serious, just sarcastic.)

I'm keeping myself busy with work and reading for fun, since I have nothing better to do, until the week of April 11th.  I am also keeping up with my walking training for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure walk this August in the Twin Cities.  It is going well.  I don't get shin splints anymore, but my ankles sometimes get swollen and my lower back aches as well.  I have looked up some good stretches for both and ice/heat my ankles and lower back when necessary.  Over all it is going well.  This week I am working on walking 13 miles total.  Next week it bumps up to 15.  Apparently walking 14 miles in a week is no longer cool, thus the jump to 15.

This week or next week, not sure, are the last ones that I get Tuesdays and Thursday nights to myself because Jason's night classes are ending.  I adore my husband.  It has been really nice to have some quality time to myself to do whatever I want though.  It will be tough giving that up.  So this Tuesday and Thursday and maybe next week too, I intend to take advantage of that alone time.  Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my husband, but an introvert needs alone time on occasion.

And so life goes on as usual in the Pollington/Pratola household (also known as the tiny one-bedroom apartment on campus we have survived living together) and it is good. 

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