Friday, January 25, 2013

Dieting and stuff...

The most popular New Year's resolution for people is to lose weight.  There are all kinds of diets out there today.  I can't watch a tv program without seeing a commercial (thank you DVR for allowing me to fast foward through commercials) for some diet program. 

After my bout with gestational diabetes and the following diagnosis of being prediabetic after my son was born, I have taken steps to lose weight.  I make it a must to do my walking at least 3 times a week, which is a feat in itself with an infant.  I am beginning to write down what I eat again, like I did when I was pregnant and mentally count my carbs.  I don't believe that cutting out all carbs from my diet is a healthy thing to do, but eating the right carbs and making sure they are not the sum whole of what I eat everyday is important. 

When my son was born I was in the low 180s for weight, now I am in the high 140s, but the average weight of someone my height is in the 130s and that is on the high end.  I have some major work to do to get down to my healthy weight.  Personally, I'm feeling pretty good about where I am, but if I want to have another kid at some point in the future and hold off getting Type 2 Diabetes until I'm old and gray, I need to lose the weight and keep it off. 

So I have been tempted to try some of the diets I see on tv commercials, some I've read about in magazine articles and some we have cook books for already.  But the truth is, with writing down what I eat and being accountable and getting as much exercise as I can get in while taking care of an infant 24/7, I am doing something that will change the way I live and create healthy habits for the future. 

But every once in a while a woman's just got to have some chocolate and maybe a piece of pepperoni pizza. :)

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