Friday, May 18, 2007

It is finished

Starting Wednesday around 3pm I became a free woman again. By free I mean, I am finished with my career as a student at Luther Seminary forever. Now the fun begins; the fun of getting a job. I have been good about applying for jobs, except this week. This week I just focused on getting my last assignments done. I wish I could say I was sad about being done with Luther Seminary, but that would not be the whole truth.

The truth is, I am looking forward to the next step in my life, whatever that may be. I am going to learn German, brush up on my French, retake the GRE because my last score pretty much sucks the big one, and apply for Fall 2008 entry into PhD programs for Church History. In the meantime, I have to get a job to pay the bills or maybe two depending on what I can find out there. I'm optimist that an opportunity will soon present itself in some form or other.

One thing I will miss though about Luther is the people I have come to know and love. All my friends especially. I will miss the craziness that is Luther Seminary, some of the great professors, and the opportunity to learn new things everyday. Not that I can't do this on my own, or won't be doing this when I return to school, but nothing will ever be like my time at Luther Seminary. I will forever cherish the last two years of my life as some the most challenging and best years of my life.

Thank you everyone for allowing me into your life, taking me in, and being awesome. Even if we lose contact with each other, I will never forget the amazing people I met during my two years at Luther Seminary. God Bless!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Mental Health Days

Today I decided to take a mental health day. I did not go to Lutheran Confessions precept. Instead I slept right through my alarm and woke up not too long ago. I made the decision last night to go out and have fun, which meant going bowling and then heading over to the mall to see the awesomeness that is Spider-man 3. The only draw back of my decision was that I did not get home till around 3:30 in the am and it took me a while to get to sleep because my brain was on coolness overload.

I decided to take a mental health day. I do not do this often, but today seems like the perfect day to do so. It is rainy and dreary and who wants to go anywhere on a day like to day anyway?? I am not taking the day off completely though. Today, I am going to draft most of my Early Church History final essays, which I have started in my head but need to get typed on my computer. I already know that this next week is going to be super busy finishing stuff for classes, so even doing little things now will help out in the end.

Today I still have to apply for a job. I've made it a goal to apply for one job everyday until I get a job. Yesterday I applied for two, but I'm still making myself apply for one today as well. I'm hoping to hear back very soon from some of the places I've already applied to. I'm trying not to get too worked up about it because there is always the chance that none of the places want to hire me and the thought of that right now just sucks. So I'm staying as positive as I can at the moment and continuing to do my thing, do my thing, which is sometimes all a person can do.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Another fun quote from Early Church History with Sundberg

Martin Luther: "Aristotle is a whore."

I am so freaking bored right now. I am writing this crappy blog to keep myself awake while Skip goes off about Thomas Aquinas. Well I must go back to pretending to give a shit in's going to be a hard act to pull off...

Too early for me

It's 8:20 in the freaking morning. What is going on? I should not be wide awake right now, I should be sleeping or almost waking up. I don't get it.

I went to see a movie Saturday night with my friend Veronica and we got free passes because she didn't realize that there was a student discount. I talked her into going over to guest services and the guy there didn't want to deal with giving us a refund so he just gave us free passes. How freaking sweet is that!!!! Awesome!!!

My best friend is now engaged and has asked me to be one of her personal attendants. Apparently she needs two. I don't know a whole lot about this wedding stuff but apparently that normal to have two. I'm excited because now I don't have to deal with buying and getting fitted for a dress I'll never wear again. But I have also made it clear that I will not be holding up her dress if she has to go to the bathroom. We have all agreed that the other PA, our other best friend Karen will be doing that.

Lately I have been diligently applying for jobs anywhere and everywhere doing a variety of things. Most of them are crappy office jobs, but I've got to start somewhere and get some work experience. I'll only hopefully be there for a year anyway because I would like to start more graduate work in the fall of 2008, but we'll see about that.

Everyone say a little prayer that I hear back from the British Museum very soon about a job I applied for there. Please and thank you!!!!

So that's all that's going on with me right now. Just working on finishing up school stuff and getting a job. Nothing too exciting. I don't know what else to write because it's too early for me to be up and even though I'm wide awake, my brain for some reason is not functioning to full power yet. Figures...