Today I decided to take a mental health day. I did not go to Lutheran Confessions precept. Instead I slept right through my alarm and woke up not too long ago. I made the decision last night to go out and have fun, which meant going bowling and then heading over to the mall to see the awesomeness that is Spider-man 3. The only draw back of my decision was that I did not get home till around 3:30 in the am and it took me a while to get to sleep because my brain was on coolness overload.
I decided to take a mental health day. I do not do this often, but today seems like the perfect day to do so. It is rainy and dreary and who wants to go anywhere on a day like to day anyway?? I am not taking the day off completely though. Today, I am going to draft most of my Early Church History final essays, which I have started in my head but need to get typed on my computer. I already know that this next week is going to be super busy finishing stuff for classes, so even doing little things now will help out in the end.
Today I still have to apply for a job. I've made it a goal to apply for one job everyday until I get a job. Yesterday I applied for two, but I'm still making myself apply for one today as well. I'm hoping to hear back very soon from some of the places I've already applied to. I'm trying not to get too worked up about it because there is always the chance that none of the places want to hire me and the thought of that right now just sucks. So I'm staying as positive as I can at the moment and continuing to do my thing, do my thing, which is sometimes all a person can do.
1 comment:
I missed your birthday!:(
Hope it was a great day. Miss you. I said crap-tacular the other day and everyone cracked up and asked how I thought of saying that. I told them that my wonderfuly talented and blessedly sarcastic friend Megan came up with it.
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