Tuesday, September 8, 2009

That's all I have to Say about That...

Today was the first day back to classes at Luther Seminary.  I signed up to take Dr. Lois Malcolm's History/Systematics PhD Seminar on Paul Tillich.  This was not my first choice, but the class I was signed up for got canceled and so I decided on the Tillich seminar instead.  After sitting through the introductory class, I think I am going to get a lot out of it and am excited to learn more about this theologian I hear so much about but know so little of. 

The other thing I like about the class is that there are four people in the class I had seminars with last year.  Did I mention how awesome they are?  Well I'll just say it now; They Are Awesome!!!  P. S.  Pat, you really should sign up for this class.  I'm just saying.

I went to chapel today.  It included the installation of three professors (Congrats Dr. Granquist!  I gave a little cheer for my fellow historian during that part of the service)  and the go forth and prosper speech that is given at the beginning of each school year. 

Now I don't want to offend anyone, so I'm sorry if I do, but as I walked into the chapel my heart sank a little.  I looked across the chapel to the far side pews and part of me for whatever reason expected to see Big Brother Doug Holtz, Bob Bekkerus, Amanda Stamp, and a slew of other people who sat over in that area all last year.  I miss my class of 2009 homies.  It is the class I started this crazy seminary journey with and I miss you immensely.  It's just not the same without you.  I also miss many of the faces I would see who have now gone off to internship for the year.  And with that, I felt a strong sense that this has to be my last year at Luther Seminary.  My time is up.  It is time for me to move on. 

Which brings me to my next point.  I have begun the tedious and time consuming, all encompassing process of filling out PhD applications, again.  This time, hopefully I won't be in utter emotional destitution when it comes time to write my personal statement.  Crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer.  I have decided that I am applying to three schools:
University of Minnesota
University of Pennsylvania
Princeton Theological Seminary

I have chosen these schools because they seem to me to be the best fit for the area of history I intend to pursue scholarly work in, in the future.  I am excited to be done with the application process.  The most arduous part of the whole process is getting a hold of my transcripts from the various institutions I have attended in the past (the one down side of transferring schools half way through undergrad.)  I have not had trouble with this before, but it is such a pain in the ass.  And it ends up costing a good chunk of money as well.  But it is one of those necessary evils in life, if a person wants to continue with school at an institution they are not currently attending.

And now I think I am going to stop writing abruptly due to the fact that I have just written a short novel for you all.  That's all I have to say about that. 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I totally miss you, too, Megan!! I was thinking about everyone being back at sem today... Much luck on your school year! :-)

Unknown said...

Megan! I miss you too! It is a bit strange to not be on campus as classes begin. Be of good cheer, little sis!