Today I woke up to a bunch of white stuff floating in the air, hanging out on the trees in our front yard, and covering the ground. It is October 12, 2009. Usually I would prefer the snow to stay away at least until the end of October, but apparently it decided to come a little too early this year. But seriously people, we live in the upper Midwest. If you can't handle crazy extremes in weather, you probably shouldn't be living here.
I used to be someone, and sometimes still am depending on the day, who complains about the weather; but for whatever reason, I'm not too upset about the weather outside. Today would have been a great day to go to somewhere that has a lot of windows and is cosy, maybe even has a fireplace and watch the snow fall, have a hot cocoa and read a book or magazine.
I am at work though, which in a way is kind of cool because the clouds are so low right now, that I am among them. I have written about this before, and it never ceases to amaze me how awesome it is when I look out the windows. Unfortunately my office is an interior office, but I take every opportunity I can to go walk around and check out the view. Someday I'll remember to bring my camera and take a picture so you all can really see what I'm talking about.
I'm still thinking about going somewhere after work to finish up the reading for my class tomorrow. I wouldn't have much time though because HOUSE is on tonight at 7pm and frankly, besides cleaning the snow off my car, if it hasn't already melted, I don't really want to drive anywhere. So it looks like I'll be staying home tonight, curling up in Jason's chair he is letting me use while he's on internship this year, and reading as much of Paul Tillich on God in vol. 1 of his Systematic Theology as I can. Who knows? We might actually have a 30 minute discussion again tomorrow before the mind-numbing lecture begins. Here's to hoping.
In the meantime, I'm going to go hang out in the lobby for a little bit, watch some CNN which is on the TV in there, and stare out the window for a bit at the snow. Because come on... SNOW?! Whatever. I live in Minnesota!
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