Thursday, April 2, 2015

Week 11 of Healthier Living in 2015

For week of 3/25 - 4/1/2015
Weigh in Weight:  149.6 lbs gain of 6 oz.

Week 11 was a good week for me, emotionally and mentally.  Though I continue to gain a little weight, probably because I ended up having more sodium in my diet, unintentionally, this week, I feel pretty good in general.  We had a busy week here too, so I wasn't able to get in my speed walking exercises as much as I typically do.  I have started off week 12 on a much better note exercise wise.  I did what I could to stay active and got creative about getting exercise daily.  I wrestled and played with my son.  Together, he and I hopped around our basement den, him on his small trampoline and I around the floor.  You can work up quite a sweat doing this for 30 minutes with the occasional stop for a water break.

As I wrote in the beginning of this post, week 11 was a good week for me emotionally and mentally and I attribute this to two things: 1) Daily prayer and meditation; and 2) writing daily, whether it be in my journal, blog posts or working on my next writing project that I would someday like to get published.  I prayed and meditated every morning and then wrote down some of my thoughts down afterwards.  Some of what I discovered was very insightful and I have been able to calm myself and deal with stress better by not only practicing daily prayer and meditation, but also writing about it afterwards.  I want to keep practicing this exercise and make it part of my daily routine, so it's going on the list of goals for a while starting week 12.

I definitely need to work on eating more low-sodium food and meals.  I am going to spend some time in the next couple of weeks finding some more low-sodium recipes that we can make for meals.  Pinterest here I come!  Part of week 11 and part of week 12 are extremely busy because it is Holy Week.  For pastors and their families, it is one of the busiest times of the year.  (More to come about this in a future blog post)  So I have decided that I am going to give myself a bit of a break.  I am going to do what I can as far as daily, breaking a sweat exercising goes and get what exercise I can.  For most of week 12, I am going to focus on trying to stay calm in stressful situations.  I am going to focus on my emotional and mental health and be active daily.  I might not break a major sweat, but movement and being active is calorie burning too, which will hopefully help me maintain my weight under 150 and possibly I will lose some weight too.  My goal is to not gain any significant weight over the rest of Holy Week and Easter.  I think by staying calm in stressful situations and not overeating, I can do this.  Holy Week is about the forgiveness we have been given by God through the death and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins, so that we may have eternal life through him.

And so I will conclude this post by saying have a blessed Holy Week and Easter!!!

I will be on vacation with limited internet access from 4/5 - 4/11/2015.  My next Healthier Living in 2015 post will be on 4/15/2015.  Until then, Keep on keeping on!!!

Goals for week 12 - 13:  4/1 - 4/15/2015
1)  eat low-sodium meals and foods
2)  Find low-sodium recipes (cook books and Pinterest)
3)  Stay active and get some kind of exercise daily
4)  Continue my daily prayer and meditation exercises
5)  Journal about prayer and meditation exercises

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