Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Next Up: A Collection of Short Stories, a Devotional, or a Children's Book

Lately, I have been trying to decide what my next writing project should be.  I go between starting a collection of short stories, writing a devotional focusing on Jonah and Ruth or writing a children's book.

I am leaning towards writing a children's book.  I have some ideas already, one based on an amateur children's book I wrote in 8th grade.  I want to revise it and include a few wisdom scriptural passages about forgiveness and love of God and our neighbor; both extremely important lesson to teach children.  My hope would be to find a publisher for my new endeavor.

I think a devotional would be fun to do, but I need to do some research on writing a good devotional, as I have not written one before.  It would be interesting to write a devotional connecting the books of Ruth and Jonah somehow with an emphasis on Lutheran biblical understanding.

Writing short stories would be the most time consuming at this point and so I am going to put them aside for a while.  I still hope to write short stories one day in the future, just for myself and maybe one day find a publisher.

As for my current writing exercises, I am going to continue to post on this blog regularly.  I am going to start on my children's book idea and see where it takes me.

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