Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Week 10 of Healthier Living in 2015

For week of 3/18 - 3/25/2015
Weigh in Weight:  149 lbs  gain of 2 oz

Week 10 especially Monday and Tuesday, was a much better week than the previous few weeks.

I got to hold my first published book in my hands for the first time on Monday.  In a few weeks I will be getting copies of my book that I can pre-sell before it comes out nationally in stores in a couple of months.  Monday was amazing.

On Tuesday I got some wonderful news and we started planning our box garden for this year.  We are going to plant herbs this year too, which will be a fun experiment.

Every morning of week 10, I practiced mediation and prayed about what I am grateful for in my life.  I also prayed about things that I need help with.  I prayed for patience for the things I can not change quickly in my life.  I asked for guidance so I can be the best version of me to my husband and son.  I prayed for calm and graciousness towards myself; to allow myself to take a break when I need one.  On Monday, instead of working out, I decided to give myself the day off and started watching a show on DVD that I think I'm really going to like, "The White Queen".  I'm trying to decide if I am going to make watching one episode on Monday mornings a routine, so I can relax.  As long as I get 3 days of speed walking on the treadmill in a week, along with all of the less intense exercise I get from daily life, it will be okay to take Mondays off for a little while.  My practice of daily prayer and meditation has been wonderful for my well-being.

I made time to journal 3 times during week 10.  Between writing blog posts, which I am doing more of to hopefully build a bigger audience, and everyday life, I'm impressed that I found time to journal.  I mostly reflected about my morning prayer and meditation.  Journaling is so therapeutic for me all the time.

Despite my lack of sleep (yes, I failed to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night again), week 10 was a great week for me.  I am back to 149 lbs, but with healthy eating and staying active, I think I can get back to 148 or even 147 by next Wednesday.  Good things are happening!  Until next week, Keep on keeping on!!!

Goals for Week 11: 3/25 - 4/1/2015
1)  Eat low-sodium meals and foods
2) Make a least one new recipe/meal
3) Speed walking on the treadmill at least 3 times a week
4) Journal 3 times a week
5) Continued morning prayer and meditation

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