Thursday, July 23, 2015

Week 27 of Healthier Living in 2015

For week 27: 7/15 - 7/22/2015
Weigh in Weight:  160.8 lbs
Previous weigh in weight on 7/15: 161.2 lbs. lose of 4 oz

I met with a diabetes specialist on Tuesday, 7/21 and we worked out a comprehensive sane strategy for me to follow to keep my gestational diabetes under control for the rest of my pregnancy.  Every day I have to write down everything I eat and count my carbs.  I have to check my blood right away in the morning when I get up and two hours after I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I was suggested that I go for a 10-15 minute walk sometime during the two hours after I eat my main meals of the day to help regulate my blood sugar levels.  I have been going for walks and they are working to keep my blood sugars at a good level.  I don't have to take insulin yet, and it looks like diet and exercise are working really well so far for me.  I'm praying this trend continues the rest of my pregnancy.

Okay, now for my goals for week 27.  I worked on and completed all of the goals I set for myself for the week.  I even found time to write in my journal two times during the week.  I was able to speed walk on the treadmill one day during the week too.  I continue to drink at least 80 oz of water a day which helps keep the water retention and constipation at bay.

Overall, I am in good spirits and am feeling good.

This is a short post this week, as I don't have much more to add to it at this time.

For week 28, I plan to work on some of the financial goals I want to accomplish by the end of the year.  I at least want to get started on some of the projects I have in mind.  Hopefully I succeed in my endeavors, but if not, I'll feel good about trying something new.

Goals for week 28: 7/22 - 7/29/2015
1)  Set up an auction on facebook for the mudroom shoe rug I finished and the scarves I plan to crochet.
2)  Finish crocheting at least one scarf to put up on facebook auction.
3)  Come up with a logo for my products so people know they were made by me.
4)  Come up with a local marketing plan for my book (goal is to sell through all avenues available at least 2,500 books)

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