Friday, July 3, 2015

Weeks 23 and 24 of Healthier Living in 2015

For weeks 23 and 24: 6/17 - 7/3/2015
Weigh in Weight:

With the end of Vacation Bible School and going on a trip for a 9 days to Minnesota to visit my family and friends, I have not taken the time to blog or frankly pay too much attention to my healthier living goals.  VBS ended on June 19th and we left for Minnesota on June 22nd, getting back on July 1st.  We drove there and back which meant long hours in the car over two days.  My legs are hating me right now.  Let's just say my water retention is an issue and so was constipation on and off the last two weeks.  Some days were better than others.

I worked hard to make sure I drank 80-100 oz of water a day the last two weeks, and most days I succeeded. :)  I wore compression socks when I needed to, which helped keep down the swelling in my legs.  I got what exercise I could, which was far more than I thought I'd get during our trip.  I also put my feet up and relaxed too.  My eating habits need some work though.  I ate more salty food than I should have, which made me retain more water.  I have a lot of excess water weight that I need to deal with now.  My goal is to get rid of most of my excess water weight that doesn't have to do with my pregnancy.

We are traveling again tomorrow to go camping tomorrow and most of the day on Saturday.  We have to be back Saturday night because of church service on Sunday morning.  So again, most sitting around, probably eating and heat.  I am going to work really hard not to eat much junk food and just stick to the healthy stuff.  I'm going to make sure I get 80-100 oz of water to drink because it is going to be ridiculously hot outside.  And when the sun goes down or isn't so hot in the evening, I am going to walk around to get some exercise.

One of my goals starting today, 7/3, is to get back into setting and fulfilling weekly healthier living goals.  This includes making time to blog weekly and journal once a week.  I need to get back into it.  I'm almost half way done with my year long journey, why stop now?!

I will tell you this though, I have wanted to quit many times.  It's just one more thing to do.  I have very limited free time to myself and sitting in front of my laptop, is not at the top of my list of things to do during that free time.  But I started this with a few major goals: to be a physically, emotionally and mentally healthier person for myself, my family and my friends.  Before starting this journey, I prayed to God about it.  Was this something I had the time to do?  And then I thought, if I'm not a healthy person, how will I be able to fully give of my time and talents to others around me?  I couldn't.  And so I embarked on this crazy journey to live and be healthier in 2015.  Now I have to stick with it.  So, until my next post, Keep on keeping on!

Goals for Week 25: 7/3 - 7/8/2015
1) Set realistic goals and work to fulfill them
2) Drink 80-100 oz of water a day
3) Journal at least one time during the week
4) Create a budget and debt tackling strategy with my husband for the rest of 2015 - April 2016
5) Get daily exercise or do some sort of physical activity

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