Sunday, February 19, 2017

Healthier Living Challenge: Week 7


This last week was again an exercise in patience with a lot of ups and downs.  I remained sick for part of the week and my oldest son who is 4, ended up getting sick as well.  We are both on the mend and spent a few hours outside on Saturday, which wiped us out most of Sunday.  But we are both finally feeling better.

My recovery from the flu took a week and a half.  I spent most of that time sleeping when I could and sitting since I did not have much energy.  But since I am no longer sick, I am ready to reintroduce more physical activities into my weekly healthier living challenge goals. 

I am also ready to start a new hobby I discovered last last year, wooden postcards.  I am going to buy the materials at JoAnn Fabrics and Crafts this afternoon and hopefully start working on making a prototype or two in the next couple of days. 

I am just so happy to not be sick anymore.  The nice weather and getting out of the house the last three days has helped in so many ways.

My goals for week 8 of my healthier living challenge will help me physically and creatively.  Working with my hands and making the wooden postcards will be a fun and creative endeavor.  I am also going to start doing crunches everyday again and work on getting sporadic 5-10 minute intervals of exercise everyday.

It feels so good to finally have some energy again.  Now if only I could get a full night of sleep every night.  I would feel like a million bucks.

For now though, onward and upward!

Goals for Week 8:
1) 100 crunches as well as 5-10 minute intervals of exercise daily
2) Finally buy the materials to make my own wooden postcards and make two prototypes this week
3) Drink at least 60 oz water daily
4) Read at least 30 minutes a day

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