Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Doing the Right Thing....

Why is it so hard to do the right thing sometimes? What exactly is the right thing or the right way? It can be interpreted in so many different ways by each individual person to the point that the whole concept becomes blurred. Lately I feel blessed to have found my vocational calling. Explaining it to people does not come easily but I know what I am doing.

I have also felt pressured by unforeseen circumstances beyond my control. So I have a choice to make and not an easy choice at that. How does one decide what is the right course of action to take? Does one follow gut reaction or take time to reason through all the possible outcomes? And what if there isn't a lot of time to decide? Am I to make a rash decision and regret it later? I speak in riddles because sometimes it is easier than having to face the obstacle head on. But eventually I will have to confront the obstacle face to face and hopefully by then I will know to the best of my ability what is the right thing to do.

Enough of this depressing crap! I am currently sitting in the Luther Seminary library because my apartment smells like rotten eggs. There is some sort of construction or something going on across the street at the old folks home and the wind is wafting the nasty smell towards my apartment. Since I had already decided yesterday that I would be going to chapel today, I also decided to bring my reading material, my current issue of Entertainment Weekly along to read in the library for a while. It is nice to still be a part of this community, have friends here to hang out with and talk to and be able to just amble around doing my thing doing my thing.

Last night I watched one of my favorite contemporary movie which came out on DVD yesterday, 300. Everything about that movie is awesome. The CG action sequences, camera angles, and especially the soundtrack. Talk about kick ass!! It also holds a special place in my heart because it was one of the few movies I was able to see with my movie going buddy, my brother, while he was home in April. One thing we always do together when he comes home from film school to visit is pick out a movie we both really want to see and go see it one of the first nights he is home. And 300 was the movie we were both psyched to see on that particular visit. It may sound like a strange tradition, but I don't really care what anyone else thinks about it so there.

Wow, I just realized that I just went on rampage of random thoughts. Sorry about that. I'll end now to continue another day.

1 comment:

jen said...

Random or not, a lovely rendition of thoughts. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and it got me to thinking. I always find it hard to know what to do. And as I've changed in the last couple years, my decision making has changed a bit. Some for better, some not--or so it seems. And how do you know what to do? Eternal wrestling match. was really, really good to see you in chapel today. I don't know what it was but I was just filled with joy when I saw it was you next to me.