Monday, November 1, 2010

When is it time?

When is it time to say enough is enough?  Sometimes I feel so stretched that I'm about to break, like a rubber band being stretched so far that you can begin to see it fraying.  When is it time to just call it quits and throw in the towel?  I have a hard time giving up on anything I do or anyone I care about.  So is there ever a time to say enough is enough, or do we keep on doing what we are doing and hope for the best?  Sometimes I wish I could just throw my hands up and say I don't care, but I've never been able to do that.  Most of the time I take things far too personally, when the reality is that there's not much I can do about someone else, I can only do the best I can to be a good family member, friend, colleague and hope I don't piss too many people off in the process.  Anyway, I am mostly wondering how others cope with this feeling of frustration.  As long as it doesn't cost money (that's a whole other frustration all together) I'm willing to listen to suggestions. 


Bethany said...

Hey Megan,

I share your present sentiment. I struggle with the same thing. I know this fact doesn't solve it for you -- or lessen the current stress. I'm sorry, I wish there was more I could do. Not only for you, but for myself.

I can say, that looking back -- it's the times that I gave up that are the times that I regret my response the most.

praying for you, trusting that you will do the same for me.

spedmomma said...

Not sure what towel is about to be tossed in the air...thesis? A relationship? If it's thesis, unfortunately the frustration is part of the process. If it's a relationship...all you can do is pitch the ball to the batter, it is up to him or her to swing the bat. If we could truly change someone by our insistance or urging, cheerleading or demonstration of the utmost patience that person would be left with no responsibility for his or her life. We each walk our own road, be it smooth, gravel or full of rocks and potholes. In the end it is our own.