Thursday, September 3, 2015

Week 33 of Healthier Living in 2015

For week of: 8/26 - 9/2/2015
Weigh in Weight: 160.6
Previous weigh in weight: 160.2 gain of 4 oz.

Goals for week 33:  8/26 - 9/2/2015
1) Arts and crafts, coloring, writing with my son
2) Daily exercise (get creative if stuck inside)
3) Set aside 30 minutes to an hour to read each day
4) Set aside 30 minutes to an hour to write each day
5) Get outside with camera and take photos to upload onto iStock account (weather/smoke permitting)

For week 33, I did three out of my five goals.  Actually, two out of my four goals.  I decided at the last minute to split the reading and writing into two separate goals.

I didn't end up doing really any arts and crafts with my son, which I need to get better about.  I, at least, need to get some writing and coloring time in with him for a little bit each day.  Hey, he may even start to enjoy it once it becomes part of our daily routine.

I didn't get outside with our nicest camera to take photos because it was too smokey and I couldn't be outside for any decent length of time to do it.  Now it is supposed to be cooler and rainy the next few days, so I more than likely won't have much of an opportunity then either.  I have picked out some photos that I already have on hand to upload to my iStock account.  So until the weather and smoke start to be agreeable, I'll have to do what I can with what I have already.

Each day, I figured out how to get some exercise.  I had one really bad blood sugar day this week.  It was hot and the smoke was terrible.  I didn't get enough exercise that day.  We spent part of the morning and afternoon in Great Falls doing errands and we ate out, which typically doesn't go well for me, unless I am able to walk around quite a bit afterwards.  My blood sugar went down the in the later part of the day.  I ended up taking a long nap while my son napped and then later in the evening got some much needed exercise in our basement den while my son also got exercise jumping on his small trampoline.  We exercised together, separately.  It was a lot of fun.  :)

I have made it a point to read 30 minutes to an hour a day as well as write for 30 minutes to an hour a day.  My writing is usually done in my journal, although I am starting to branch out a little because I am working on some projects that require me to type up a few different timelines for the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation that is coming up in two years.  I also have some poems and short stories swimming around in my head that I really need to start writing down.  As for my reading time, I am finally catching up on my TIME magazines and I am getting further along in my book club book for September.  I should have it finished within the next week.  I am a very slow reader when it comes to books, but I remember everything I read in great detail.  Yeah for having a photographic memory.  Forcing myself to find the time each day to do these things has helped me to relax in the midst of the chaos going on around me.  My son in his crazy, bi-polar 3 year old stage, my husband being absent more because the church program year is starting again, and my crazy pregnancy hormones and the stress of having gestational diabetes, have really put a lot of stress on me.  Taking some time for me each day has become part of the daily routine and has been a great blessing in this time of chaos.

For week 34 of my healthier living journey in 2015, I'm pretty much going to stick to the same goals as the previous couple of weeks.  I want to make each of these part of my daily or at least part of my weekly routine.  Until next week, Keep on keeping on folks!  :)

Goals for week 34: 9/2 - 9/9/2015
1) Get outside with camera and take some everyday life and nature photos
2) Daily exercise/walking outside (weather and smoke permitting)
3) Coloring and writing with my son for 10 minutes each day
4) Set aside 30 minutes to an hour to read each day
5) Set aside 30 minutes to an hour to write each day
6) Be in better contact with friends and family this week

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