For week of: 9/2 - 9/9/2015
Weigh in Weight: 159.2 lbs
Previous weigh in weight: 160.6 lbs lose of 1 lb 4 oz
Goals for Week 34:
1) Get outside with camera and take some everyday life and nature photos for iStock
2) Daily walk (exercise) outside (weather/smoke permitting)
3) Coloring and writing with my son for 10 minutes each day
4) Set aside 30 minutes to an hour to read daily
5) Set aside 30 minutes to an hour to write daily
6) Be in better contact with friends and family this week
This is going to be a super short post because I am losing time with my husband who I haven't seen very much of this week to quickly type this post.
I worked on and completed 4 out of 6 goals for week 34. I did not end up spending 10 minutes a day coloring and writing with my son and I wasn't able to write for 30 minutes to an hour daily either. The writing was hard to find time to do because a good friend of ours from our seminary days was visiting us from Saturday to Tuesday this past week. Last Friday was our 5th Wedding Anniversary so we spent the day together as a family and then my husband and I went out for a wonderful dinner. Well, as wonderful as it can get with gestational diabetes. I am looking forward to going back to that restaurant again to eat a full meal with one of the yummy desserts on the menu. :)
As for why the 10 minutes a day coloring and writing with my son didn't happen, I have no excuse except that I didn't feel like dealing with my kid attempting for two seconds and then getting bored and throwing the coloring/writing utensils on the floor and leaving them there for me to pick up. Yes, I realize that I should have him at least help me, but he's been sick and extremely cranky and I just didn't have the patience or energy to deal with it. So no coloring or writing took place this last week. I plan to try again with him soon. ;)
I did get outside and with the help of my husband took some pretty great photos this last week. I also was able to get in daily walks either on the treadmill or outside. One day my friend who was visiting and I did some mall walking too. I read for 30 minutes every night before going to sleep so I completed my reading goal for this last week and I've been messaging and texting many friends and my family over the last week as well and making a better effort at staying in touch with them.
Overall, week 34 was a good week. Many of my goals are the same for week 35, so I'm going to quickly type those up and get back upstairs to spend some quality time with my husband. :)
Goals for Week 35:
1) 30 minutes to an hour of reading daily
2) 30 minutes to an hour of writing daily
3) Continue to be better about being in contact with friends and family
4) Take at least 5 photos daily for my side money gig
5) Clean the house and laundry (the nesting stage is starting to set in big time)
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