For week of: 10/21 - 10/28/2015
Weigh in Weight: 161.8 lbs
Previous Weigh in Weight: 162.0 lbs lose of 8 oz.
Goals for Week 41:
1) Sell 1-3 books this week and continue to build $1000 emergency fund by various avenues
2) Daily exercise/physical activity
3) 15 to 20 minutes of writing, including timeline project, 3 days this week
4) 30 minutes to 1 hour of reading daily
5) Do fun preschool activities and speech therapy homework with my son
It gets harder and harder to want to do anything as I progress in my pregnancy. Only 4 weeks and 5 days to go, unless baby boy decides to show up earlier than November 30th at 10 am.
Again, despite my discomfort, I was able to accomplish quite a lot during week 41. My goal of selling 1-3 books and continuing to build our $1000 emergency fund went really well. I ended up selling 5 books both full price and through book consignment getting 70% of the retail price of my book per copy. For week 42, it looks like I will easily be able to sell a couple more books through consignment so to stay motivated, I am going to include this goal in my goals for week 42. By selling the 5 books this week I am almost half way to $1000 for our emergency fund. I am so excited about this that I am going to keep going with my current endeavors of book selling. I also am strategizing how to sell my scarves that I am planning to make or have made online. I'm leaning towards eBay, but Facebook might be a good avenue too. I haven't decided yet, but am going to by the end of this week.
Every day during week 41, I walked or did some for of daily physical activity so I could get some form of exercise. I did skip Sunday, which I have no excuse for doing. But since daily physically activity has become a major part of my daily routine, I can confidently say that I can take this off my goals list, unless I back slide and have to add it again. :)
I finished my timeline project this week and wrote for 15 to 20 minutes at least 3 days during week 41. I will have some revisions to do on the project over the next few weeks, but I am confident it will be completely done before baby boy is born. Writing in my journey was my other main writing activity as well as writing this blog, so overall, it has been a good week of making intensional time to write. I plan to continue to make finding intentional writing time a priority and one of my goals each week until it becomes part of my daily routine.
I have made reading each day such a part of my routine that I am actually catching up on my reading I have been behind on for a long time. I am for the time being going take reading off my goals list. I am happy to say that reading is now routine and I make sure I have time to do it everyday. :)
Throughout the week, I have made a great effort to not only have story time with my son, but to do a fun preschool activity with him each day as well as work on his speech therapy homework. I want to keep it up even though my energy level is at an all time low these days. So I am going to keep doing these activities with my son as part of my goals so I hold myself accountable to do it even if I don't feel like it some days.
So there you have it. That's all I have to add for now. Until next time, Keep on keeping on! :)
Goals for Week 42: 10/28 - 11/4/2015
1) Sell 1-3 books this week and continue building $1000 emergency fund by various avenues
2) Do one fun preschool activity with son each day as well as speech therapy homework with my son
3) 15 to 20 minutes of writing at least 3 days this week
4) Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night