Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week 40 of Healthier Living in 2015

For week of: 10/14 - 10/21/2015
Weigh in Weight: 162.0 lbs
Previous weigh in weight: 160.6 lbs

Goals for Week 40:
1) Daily exercise (treadmill, stairs, walking outside)
2) Sell 1-3 copies of my book and continue to build $1000 emergency fund, Dave Ramsey baby step #1
3) Work on having a more positive attitude about where I currently am in my life
4) 30 minutes to 1 hour of reading daily
5) 30 minutes to 1 hour of writing daily, including timeline project

Week 40 was a mixed bag week for me.  I managed to sell one book to accomplish my book selling goal for the week, but I didn't make the time to write or work on my timeline project. 

As far as getting to a place where I can be happy again by just the daily moments in life in order to survive my current situation in life, I am doing much better on that score. 

I physically have been feeling worse, but was able to get plenty of fresh air and exercise this past weekend while up at camp chasing my 3 year old son around.  It was a seriously hellish weekend, but there were some really great things that happened too.  Always the ying and yang of life.

I found plenty of time to read this past week too, which was a wonderful distraction from the terrible heartburn, indigestion and general ickiness one feels the last few weeks of pregnancy.

I discovered that walking on the treadmill will not be an activity I can do until after baby boy is born.  My heartburn and nausea in the mornings make it too difficult to do for any length of time.  So, I am going to bundle up and walk to the post office and around town in the mornings with my husband and son until baby boy is born.  It won't be as intense of an exercise routine, but I will get some activity in daily and some much needed fresh air each day.

I am dealing with some water retention issues, which accounts for my almost 2 pounds of weight gain, but I am hoping that after a brief walk outside with my son to the library tonight and our walking around town in the morning tomorrow some of it will be alleviated.

Again, week 40 was a mix of good and bad for me.  I'm trying to come up with more realistic goals for week 41. 

With my husband's schedule being so busy and looking after a 3 year old who doesn't take naps, I am limited in the time I have to really sit down and write or work on the timeline project.  Luckily, I am almost done with the timeline, so I can work on others things I've been wanting to start soon.  So, instead of having a goal of writing 30 minutes to 1 hour everyday, for the time being I am going to give myself a goal of 15 - 20 minutes at least 3 days this week.

The reading is easier to do while my son has his quiet time each day, so that goal will stay the same.  I also want to keep working on having a more positive attitude and focus on the good not the bad in our current situation.  Too many wonderful things on the horizon to focus on the bad.

I already discussed my daily exercise and activity goals, but I need to figure out some more fun, creative activities to do with my son in the afternoons.  The hard part is that I am at my most tired right in the middle of my time with him in the afternoon.  Lately I have been defaulting to TV after we have a substantial reading/story time together after lunch.  I was doing really good for a while with doing a joint craft or water coloring.  I need to get back to doing that with him, so I am making it one of my goals for week 41.  Preschool activities and speech therapy homework daily, during and after story time.  It doesn't have to be a long activity, just something we can do together that allows him to be creative that is fun.  And that means less time in front of the TV.

I am looking forward to a better week for week 41 of my healthier living journey.  So until next week, Keep on keeping on!!!

Goals for Week 41: 10/21 - 10/28/2015
1) Sell 1-3 copies of my book this week and continue building $1000 emergency fund by various avenues
2) Daily exercise/activity
3) 15 to 20 minutes of writing, including timeline project, 3 days this week
4) 30 minutes to 1 hour of reading daily
5) Do fun pre-school activities and speech therapy homework with my 3 year old son.

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