For week of: 10/28 - 11/4/2015
Weigh in Weight: 160.6 lbs
Previous Weigh in Weight: 161.8 lbs lose of 1 lb, 2 oz.
Goals for Week 42:
1) Sell 1-3 books and continue building up $1000+ emergency fund
2) Do fun preschool activities and work on speech therapy homework with my 3 year old son
3) 15 to 20 minutes of writing 3 days this week
4) Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night
It was another mixed week for me this past week. It was very emotional and at times I felt like I was going crazy. At other times it was peaceful and everything seemed to be right with the world. Many discussions were had that moved things forward in a positive direction for certain things and other things took a step backwards.
My 3 year old son has been very unwilling to do certain things that I know he can do on his own the last few days, which is very frustrating. He knows how to get himself dressed for the most part, but in the last few days it is like he has forgotten or is just too lazy. He won't listen to simple directions and purposefully dumps snacks on the floor. He wants attention but he is trying to get it in a negative way and see how far he can push before he gets into trouble. I know it is a phase and my husband and I are dealing with it in an appropriate manner, but I hope it ends soon. It's really starting to piss me off. He is also getting very anxious about his little brother arriving at the end of the month. He knows something is going on that will change a lot of things around here and he isn't the best at dealing with change. Frankly, neither am I, so I can empathize with him a great deal right now. I just wish he would knock it off with the attitude.
As for the goals I set for myself for week 42, that too was a bit of a mixed bag. Since my son was being defiant most of this last week, doing fun preschool activities and working on his speech therapy homework went well some days and were a total bust other days. I think he'll get back into doing his speech therapy exercises once he starts doing them again with his teacher. Lately she has been doing some testing with him to see how extensive of services he'll need as they continue to work together. So he's really gotten out of the groove. At the same time, his verbal confidence is growing leaps and bounds which is so wonderful to witness and be a part of.
I completely failed in my goal to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. I was far too anxious about what was going on with our son as well as things being continuously put off by my husband because he wouldn't set aside the time to finish it. After several break downs and discussions, he has finally finished and we can finally move onto the next step. It doesn't help that I caught a cold and for a night or two was so uncomfortable that I didn't get much sleep. And this whole being pregnant thing is such a drag. I can't get comfortable and baby boy likes to get his dance groove on from 2-3 or so in the morning. Not only am I excited to finally meet this kid, but I'm excited to get my body back too. November 30th can't come soon enough at this point.
Okay, the two goals I did do and complete for week 42 were to sell 1-3 books this week and continue to build our $1000+ emergency fund and to write 15 to 20 minutes 3 days this week. I ended up selling by consignment 2 books to one of the local coffee shops in our town. She still has to pay me, but I'm counting it because she said yes. I'll be dropping them off today and getting paid for them. I plan to talk to the owner of the local clothes consignment store as well to see if she would be willing to carry a few copies of my book in her store. I also have to check back with the drug store to see if they sold the last copy they had and if they would like to try and sell more. So overall, slight improvement on the book selling front. I would like to try and get a table during our local Winter Walk this year, but I think it will be too soon after baby born is born for me to participate. Bummer too because I'd not only be able to display my book but also try and sell some of my scarves that I am in the process of making to sell for some extra holiday income this year.
My 15 to 20 minutes of writing 3 days this past week went well. One of my pieces was the blog post last week for my healthier living journey and for the two other writing exercises, I wrote in my journal. I want to start working on some more creative writing like short stories or outline novel ideas. But mostly, I want to start working on researching and outlining my next big nonfiction project that I am pretty excited about. I'll have to stick to the outline for now because I don't have access to the resources I need at this time to do any decent research. Hopefully that will happen within the next year. :)
For week 43, I have pretty much the same goals as week 42 with a little added on. At this point, the more goal oriented I am the less time I have to think about or be anxious about baby boy's arrival. Again, I can't wait to meet him and not be pregnant anymore, but it is still an anxious time for me, for all of us. Hopefully this week, with a good attitude adjustment on my part will be less of a mixed bag and more of a peaceful week. Until next time, Keep on keeping on!
Goals for Week 43: 11/4 - 11/11/2015
1) Sell 1-3 books this week, continue to build $1000+ emergency fund through various avenues
2) Finish our great niece Samantha's baby blanket and start crocheting more scarves to eventually sell through my new facebook page and at various holiday shows
3) Spend less time online on my phone, especially pinterest and facebook
4) Read the book for book club and my Time magazines for 30 minutes to 1 hour each day
5) Write for 15 to 20 minutes 3 days this week
6) Attempt to do more fun preschool activities and work on speech therapy exercises with my son. But if he refuses, don't pick a fight about it with him.
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