Thursday, November 19, 2015

Week 44 of Healthier Living in 2015

For the week of: 11/11 - 11/18/2015
Weigh in Weight: 162.6 lbs
Previous Weigh in Weight: 162.2 lbs gain of 4 oz

Week 44 was a good week for working on and completing my goals I set for the week.  It was an emotional week.  My moods were up and down.  Dang pregnancy hormones.

But despite that, I made time to read everyday, I wrote several times during the week.  I completed one crocheted scarf and one crocheted decorative belt.  Both I am going to take photos of an post on my hobby Facebook page and Pinterest.

I didn't get as much exercise as I wanted to, but I did get some form of daily activity in each day.  As far as speech therapy and preschool activities with my son, it was a challenge to get him to do it and I didn't have the energy to argue with him about it.  I will continue to work on doing more fun activities with him and find some that he can get into and have more fun with.

This is going to be a short post this week.  My energy level is not what it was and I don't have much to add at this time.

Since I am a week and a half from my c-section with my second son, week 45 is going to be all about getting as much rest as possible while being in charge of taking care of our oldest son.  Until next time, Keep on keeping on!

Goals for Week 45:
1) Get as much sleep each night as I can while dealing with insomnia
2) Do some form of physical activity each day
3) Work on book selling strategy and hobby business strategy for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday
4) Take quality photos of items for sale and post them on my Hobby Business Facebook page and on Pinterest

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