Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Week 49 of Healthier Living in 2015

For week of: 12/23 - 12/30/2015
Weigh in Weight: 148.4 lbs
Previous Weigh in Weight: 147.6 lbs gain of 8 oz

Goals for Week 49:
1) Make healthier snack choices
2) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
3) Nap whenever possible
4) Finish setting up Etsy shop
5) Crochet more scarves for Etsy shop and custom orders
6) Read 30 minutes to 1 hour a day

It is the second to last day of 2015 today.  Because I started my healthier living journey a few weeks into January 2015, I have to continue into January 2016 for a few weeks.  I'm still going to refer to this journey in terms of a 2015 journey since almost all of it took place this year.

What a crazy year it has been.  So many ups and downs.  I did well with some goals and completely failed in others.  I learned a lot about myself in the past year, but I will reflect more on that in my very last Healthier Living in 2015 and early 2016 blog post.

As for my week 49 goals, I finished setting up my Etsy shop, I worked on making healthier snack choices, which is something I need to continue to work on.  I drank more water daily, but still need to work on that as well, drinking at least 80 oz of water a day.  I finished another scarf that I need to add to my Etsy shop listings and post on my Facebook hobby page. 

I did not get much napping in this week and am exhausted daily, nor did I do much reading.  These two things need to become a part of my daily routine if I am going to make it through this time of recovery and transition.  I miss reading and am so behind on my TIME magazines I don't know if I'll ever catch up.  I have several books I want to read too, but I am so tired by the end of the day the most I can get myself to do is watch some TV and quickly check Facebook before going to bed.

Therefore, I need to figure out how to get some cat naps in everyday, so I have the energy and brain power to read. 

My goals for week 50 will be a continuation of the previous couple weeks with a change or two.  Goals I have completed or feel like I have a handle on will be changed to things I really need to work more on in order to have an overall healthier living week.

Until next time, Keep on keeping on and Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!!!

Goals for Week 50: 12/30/2015 - 1/6/2016
1) Read 30 minutes to 1 hour a day
2) Nap whenever possible
3) Crochet more scarves for custom orders and Etsy shop and post to listings
4) Make healthier snack choices
5) Start 52 weeks of gratitude challenge blog on 1/1/2016

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Week 48 of Healthier Living in 2015

For week of: 12/16 - 12/23/2015
Weigh in Weight: 147.6 lbs
Previous Weigh in Weight: 148.8 lbs loss of 1 lb, 2 oz

Goals for week 48:
1) Continue to recover from c-section
2) Make healthier snack choices (more fruits and vegetables)
3) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
4) Work on speech therapy with my oldest son
5) Nap when youngest is napping or whenever possible
6) Finish setting up my Etsy shop and continue marketing my book

I did not do very well on my goals for week 48.  The only one I did was to continue to recover from my c-section because that is what my body is doing.  I needed more rest, more naps, more bonding time with my kids.  I needed to drink more water and eat healthier.  I wanted to finish setting up my Etsy shop and continue to market my book. 

I did bond with my kids the best I could but I did not get the rest or naps I needed.  I didn't drink as much water or eat healthier like I needed to.  And I did not finish setting up my Etsy shop or market my book.  It was not a complete dud of a week, but it wasn't great either. 

My parents have been staying with us since 12/18 and it has been wonderful to have their help with the kids.  But the rest and relaxation I was hoping for have been elusive.  What I really need us an empty house or a quiet house where I can lay down and take a nap.  I won't get that opportunity until Monday afternoon. 

I can tell that I am pushing myself too hard because my body hurts and I am overly tired.  But sometimes we don't get to choice what is going on around us so I will just have to deal with it the best I can and pray the next few days go by very quickly. 

Because I did so poorly on my goals for week 48, I am going to keep the same goals for week 49 and see if I can do better at least working on my goals.  The most important goals will help me to physically and emotionally feel better so if I can at least do those 3, I will be very happy with myself. 

Until next time, Keep on keeping on!!!

Goals for week 49: 12/23 - 12/30/2015
* 1) Make healthier snack choices
* 2) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
* 3) Nap whenever possible
4) Finish setting up Etsy shop
5) Crochet more scarves for Etsy shop and custom orders
* 6) Read for 30 mins. - 1hr daily

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Transitions: Going from a family of 3 to a family of 4

On Monday, November 30th at 9:43am our son Michael was born.  I had a scheduled repeat c-section that day set up for 10am, but I ended up going into labor naturally that morning, so my c-section got bumped up about 30 minutes. 

When they lowered the curtain and showed him to us, he looked so tiny.  He ended up weighing 6 lbs 2oz.  He lost some weight, like all babies do right away after they are born, but I'm pretty sure he's gained it all back, plus some.  He eats like it is his last meal, just like his big brother did, minus the screaming when we had to take the bottle out of his mouth for burping.

Our oldest son, who is 3 years, 4 months old now is getting better everyday with the transition of being a big brother.  It will take some time and constant conversation and encouragement, but he will eventually accept and get used to his new normal.

Having a newborn in the house is a transition for all of us.  Once I get my staples out on Monday morning, I should start to feel better and be able to participate in raising our boys more actively than I have been able to since Monday.

I did end up having complications from the surgery and needed to receive 2 units of blood on Tuesday afternoon/evening.  I immediately felt better, but the soreness and air pockets in my shoulders were excruciating for a couple of days until I could really get up and move around.

And after all the challenges immediately after giving birth, we are all home.  It is wonderful to be home.  My mother-in-law is here to help us out too.  She has been a Godsend! 

We will continue to be in transition for a while, each of us in our own way.  I have made some pretty significant discoveries about myself in the last several days too, but those I will share in a future post.  For now, I think I am finally calm enough and tired enough to try to go to sleep.  Better take advantage of it before the insomnia kicks in again.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Weeks 46, 47 and most of 48 of Healthier Living in 2015

For Weeks of: 11/25 - 12/16/2015
Weigh in Weight: 148.8 lbs.
Previous Weigh in Weight: 162.8 lbs lose of 14 lbs.

Goals for Week 46 (extended to weeks 47 and 48):
1) Patience
2) Recovery and relaxing as much as possible
3) Snuggle and love up on my two sons
4) Be joyful and spend quality time with my husband as we await my release from the hospital and when we get home

This is the third time I've attempted to post for weeks 46 - most of 48, so I am going to make it brief.

We have been home from the hospital since December 3rd.  We had help for about a week and then were on our own until my parents got here yesterday afternoon.  I think we handled the 9 days on our own pretty well. 

Since I am in the middle of recovering, my husband has taken on the major care taking of our oldest son.  I can't lift him or keep up with his activity level right now so my husband takes him to the church office in the morning or afternoon, while I stay home with our newborn and take care of him. 

The transition is challenging to say the least but joyful as well.  I love my husband and sons more than words can express. 

Since my number one goal is recovery and relaxing so I can fully do what I am normally able to do, I need to focus on making healthy choices for the rest of week 48.  Therefore, my goals deal with eating, fluid intake and bonding, as well as marketing my creative endeavors.  Until the next time I blog, Keep on keeping on!!!

Goals for week 48: 12/16 - 12/23/2015
1) Continue to recover from c-secton
2) Make healthier snack choices (more fruits and vegetables)
3) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
4) Work on speech therapy exercises with oldest son
5) Nap when youngest son is napping if possible, or nap whenever possible
6) Finish setting up Etsy shop and continue marketing my book