On Monday, November 30th at 9:43am our son Michael was born. I had a scheduled repeat c-section that day set up for 10am, but I ended up going into labor naturally that morning, so my c-section got bumped up about 30 minutes.
When they lowered the curtain and showed him to us, he looked so tiny. He ended up weighing 6 lbs 2oz. He lost some weight, like all babies do right away after they are born, but I'm pretty sure he's gained it all back, plus some. He eats like it is his last meal, just like his big brother did, minus the screaming when we had to take the bottle out of his mouth for burping.
Our oldest son, who is 3 years, 4 months old now is getting better everyday with the transition of being a big brother. It will take some time and constant conversation and encouragement, but he will eventually accept and get used to his new normal.
Having a newborn in the house is a transition for all of us. Once I get my staples out on Monday morning, I should start to feel better and be able to participate in raising our boys more actively than I have been able to since Monday.
I did end up having complications from the surgery and needed to receive 2 units of blood on Tuesday afternoon/evening. I immediately felt better, but the soreness and air pockets in my shoulders were excruciating for a couple of days until I could really get up and move around.
And after all the challenges immediately after giving birth, we are all home. It is wonderful to be home. My mother-in-law is here to help us out too. She has been a Godsend!
We will continue to be in transition for a while, each of us in our own way. I have made some pretty significant discoveries about myself in the last several days too, but those I will share in a future post. For now, I think I am finally calm enough and tired enough to try to go to sleep. Better take advantage of it before the insomnia kicks in again.
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