Monday, March 20, 2017

Healthier Living Challenge: Week 11


I'm having a hard time getting to sleep tonight so I am catching up on my weekly post for my year long healthier living journey.

Nothing too exciting happened during week 11 of this crazy journey I am embarking on.  I worked on my presentation of my book that I will be giving at my church next Tuesday.  I made six wooden postcards that did not turn out as well as I wanted them to but there is still hope to make them sellable.

My daily exercise has been doing side lunges 4 sets of 6 side lunges on each leg.  I'm slowly working up to 4 sets of 12 side lunges on each leg.  Feel the burn!

I was able to spend some much needed quality time with a very good friend on Friday.  It did my heart good to see her and catch up.  It was also nice to get out of the house without the guys.  Don't get me wrong, I love my family more than I can say, but sometimes a momma needs to get away for a few hours.

Overall week 11 was a good week.  I working in some more creative pursuits for week 12.  In fact tonight I accomplished one of my goals.  Unfortunately the formatting turned out terribly for the part that most people will see which is going to be a bit embarrassing for me, but hopefully, more people will be steered towards the better formatted version of my manuscript.  But I digress from my week 11 post.

Where was I... ah yes.... creative pursuits.  I enjoyed my time getting to be creative and intellectual this past week.  It was also very tiring.  Clearly I need to get back to using my creative, intellectual side more often so it is not such a taxing endeavor on the rare occasion, I have the chance these days.

So week 12 will be filled with more intellectual and creative goals in mind, as well as physical goals too.

So until next time, onward and upward!

Goals for Week 12: 3/19-3/26/2017
1) Side lunges daily
2) Finish slides for presentation
3) Work on financial planning strategies to pay off debt faster and start saving more money each month.
4) Publish my book on Amazon KDP, both ebook and paperback.

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