Sunday, January 29, 2017

Healthier Living Challenge: Weeks 3 and 4


I did not blog about my completion of my week 3 goals because I ended up giving myself a day off, therefore not fulfilling my goals each day of the week.  I did not complete all of my goals for week four either.

The last two weeks were filled with sickness and stresses beyond my control.  But I have started to feel better recently and am getting back on track with my aim to live a healthier life and be a healthier person in every way I can be. 

I will fall down at times, like the last two weeks, but I will get back up again and move forward because I need to for myself and for my family and friends.

I finally weighed myself today after doing 4 weeks of this challenge.  So far I have lost 3 pounds in a healthy manor and am on target to be under 160 lbs by mid-February.  This is exciting for me.  Today I weighed in according to my scale at home at 162.8.  The last time I weighed myself I was 166.  So really I have lost over 3 lbs.  Not much for month but it is progress in the right direction.

My goals for week 5 deal with finding ways to destress, continue to exercise in creative ways during my chaotic day, and paying more attention to what I am putting in my body drink and food wise.

Onward and upward my friends!

Goals for Week 5: 1/29 - 2/5/2017
1) Drink 60 oz water daily minimum
2) 100 crunches and various exercise throughout the day
3) Fill half my plate with fruits and/or vegetables at each meal
4) Read at least 30 minutes a day

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