Thursday, April 19, 2007

More random thoughts...shock surprise

Ok, I'm much calmer now than when I wrote my last post. See I told you I would be more hopeful in my last post and I am. Today has been a great day so far. I went to the Seminary and sat in the class I TA for for an hour, getting annoyed by the fact that everything is taken out of its own context and compared to Luther. It was a pretty good discussion though. Then I met with Haemig and told her I wanted to know where I could find the extra information her and Farag asked me to put in my thesis, and was able to laugh to myself because she couldn't find it herself, but gave me some suggestions as to "possible" places I could look. Pretty ironic don't you think. After lunch I ran into Jane, Doug, and Amanda and we went up to Doug's room and watched the movie "Running with Scissors". Want to see a fucked up movie based on someone's personal memoirs, see this. This was followed by good conversation and just general relaxing fun. Now I am back at my apartment in the process of deciding what I want to eat for dinner.
Today has been a good day so far and tonight is bowling time, WOOHOO!!!! I love bowling, even though I'm not good at it. Who cares as long as your having fun, right? And I was reading my friend's post, which made me smile because there are only 26 days of classes left.

Of course there are plenty of things I have to get done in those 26 days as does everyone else. I have made a list, because I like lists and if I don't have twenty strategically placed throughout my apartment and school stuff I forget to do something. For example, before next Friday I have to go to the DMV to renew my license because I'm turning old. Tomorrow I have to hunt down one of the two TA's for Confessions and finish my reciting which is just Holy Communion and the Keys. I have to finish my thesis revisions and turn it into the library before May 15. I have to do my loan exit counseling. See plenty of things to do school wise in the next 26 days.

I also have to get a job. I've been looking and applying and will keep doing so until I have a job. Sadly it will probably end up being some crap desk job for a while until I get some more work experience, but that's ok because I truly believe things will work out in the end. I will win the day and do the work I was born to do, write books and produce documentaries on the history of the Christian Church. To many who will be reading this blog, this may sound very lame, but I don't care, it is awesome and when I finally reach my goal I will be able to wake up every morning and actually enjoy going to work and what I do.

Today has been a good day and tonight will be tons of fun going bowling.

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