Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Week 3 of Healthier Living in 2015

For the week of 1/28-2/4/2015
Weigh in Weight for 2/4/2015: 152.6 gain of 2 lbs.

This past week was a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me.  I allowed myself to eat some foods I shouldn't have in excess.  It was "that" time of the month but that is no excuse.  I found myself depressed and missing friends and family far away.  I was hit with a massive case of the lonlies.

As for my goals I did fill half my plate with fruits and/or vegetables at most meals and I drank 80 oz of water daily.

I didn't get as much sleep as I should have because I stayed up reading almost every night.  And when I did shut the light off to go to sleep, my mind was racing with thoughts about the future or about the suddenly long list of things I need to get done within the next month or so.  So I am keeping the goal of getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night on the list.

In order to deal with my eating excesses of the past week, I am going to add eating low-sodium foods and eating low/no cholesterol foods back on my goals list.  I am going to add doing my speed walking on the treadmill or outside (depending on the weather) at least 3 days this week too.  Doing this not only makes me feel better physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

And lastly, I am adding a 4th goal this week of daily prayer and meditation.  I have so much to be thankful for daily and I need to take the time each day to reflect and remind myself of this fact.  So until next time, "Keep on keeping on!"

Goals for the week of 2/4 - 2/11/2015:
1) Eat low-sodium and low/no cholesterol meals
2) Do speed walking exercising on the treadmill or outside at least 3 days this week
3) Daily prayer and meditation on things I am thankful for in my life
4) Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night

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