Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 5 of Healthier Living in 2015

For the week of 2/11 - 2/18/2015
Weigh in Weight:  150.0 lbs.  loss of 0 lbs.

I am going to keep this post short and sweet this week.  The liturgical season of Lent has begun and yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which is I am not posting until today.  Lent is a stressful and busy season, but it is also a good season too.  It's hard to explain to those who don't work in the church.  It is a fulfilling season, but there are many demands on my husband Jason's time, so Preston and I get to have a lot of mother/son bonding time.  So again, it's not bad, just stressful and busy.

I was able to successful accomplish 3 of my 4 goals for week 5 in my healthier living journey.  Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night still alludes me.  There were a few nights when my son didn't sleep through the night and one particularly horrible night when we woke up 3 times for longer periods of time.  When I was able to get sleep on those nights, I slept hard but woke up very tired.  I wish his last stupid 2 year molar would pop through already.  This whole teething thing is for the dogs (as my friend Karra would say.)  So I will be keeping the goal of getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night on my goal list for week 6.

I have continued to eat low-sodium and low/no cholesterol foods and my sluggishness and headaches have pretty much disappeared for the most part.  The best part of eating a diet like this, is that it also means you end up eating a low carb diet as well.  But in the end, it is all about eating balanced meals.  There is nothing wrong with carbs, as long it is not the only thing you eat.  Because I have been doing so well lately with eating low-sodium and low/no cholesterol foods and meals, I am going to take it off my goal list for week 6.  If I start to fall off, I can re-add it to my list later.

My morning prayer and reflection time has been wonderful.  I feel better emotionally and mentally.  I have so much to be thankful to God for in my life and remembering that has helped me in so many ways.  I have a more positive attitude, even on the tough days when I'm hit with a case of the lonelies or boredom, or both.  I have gotten in the habit after a few weeks of doing this every morning, so for now, I am going to leave it off my goal list for week 6, and can add it again later if I need to.

For week 5, I was able to do speed walking on the treadmill 4 days and get some outside walking in too on a couple of nice days we had here.  In order to keep me motivated to continue doing my speed walking exercising, I better keep it on the list for week 6.  Today I was so tired and unmotivated that I almost didn't do it.  But I was able to talk myself into it and now feel so much better today than I would have if I didn't work out.

Week 5 was a good week despite my not losing any weight.  I'm being positive about it because I accomplished a lot and I didn't gain any weight which is a good thing.  Hopefully when I weigh in next Wednesday I'll be below 150.  That's the goal.  Until then:  Keep on keeping on!!! :)

Goals for Week 6: 2/18 - 2/25/2015
1)  Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
2)  Speed walk exercises on the treadmill and/or outside 3 days this week
3)  Find some new low-sodium, low/no cholesterol recipes for meals to make from our cookbooks and pinterest.  Variety of choices is the key to success.

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