Wednesday, April 7, 2010

That Time of Year...

It's that time of year again, when I get bored with life.  Nothing particularly bad is happening; in fact things are going pretty good right now, I'm just bored.  My motivation factor is at zero and I have little patience for anything.  Exhibit A: a particular person is throwing a temper tantrum right now because something isn't working fast enough for this person.  Three guesses who that might be (but you'll only need one.)  I have zero tolerance for that right now.  And the world is about to fall apart because the copier ran out of paper. 

I don't know why I get this way, but every year around this time I always find myself wishing I was doing something else, traveling somewhere or doing something wildly different than the normal routine.  I get bored with being an adult and attempt to try new things.  Last year, I started belly-dancing lessons.  This year I have no idea.  With work and the amount of reading I need to do for my independent study, it leaves little time to take a community class, let alone keep up with friends and family.  Here's to hoping this funk goes away soon.  It's pretty lame.

1 comment:

VB said...

Ooo I recommend pilates or yoga for a great stress relieve/life rejuvenating activity. BTW I totally know the feeling! Come visit if you see a cheap flight. Went to the beach today. AirTran & Midwest Airlines have cheap flights often.