Week 6: The City I Live In
This week I am to write about what I am grateful for about the city I live in.
Well first off, I live in a small town surrounded by barley and wheat fields. The population is around 700 people. The next closest town is 17 miles north of us and only has a population of a couple thousand people. The closest city is 35 miles away. It is a decent sized city with some entertainment going on. I'd like to explore that more at some point.
As for the town we live in, I don't have much to say about the town itself. There isn't a lot going on here that doesn't have to do with school sports. But I will say that most of the people who live here are good people. The people, when I actually get out of the house are nice and friendly. But I don't get out much these days with my 2 month old's sleeping schedule. Winter here is torturous, especially with a very active 3 year old.
But I think what I am most grateful for is indirectly connected to living where we live. My husband's somewhat flexibility to help out with the kids during the day and some nights. In another town at another parish, he might not be able to be so flexible. The people here have been very gracious with us in allowing my husband to take our kids to the office with him. It gives our oldest son a place to move around more and get a change of scenery. It gives our youngest son daddy time on Thursday nights and our oldest and I, mommy/son time which we don't get a lot of these days.
My husband's flexibility in his schedule and time, is what I am most grateful for about where we live. It also helps that we live across the street from the church office so he/we can easily go from one place to another. And I am grateful for the gracious people who allow us to be family together in this place and being flexible themselves.
The town itself is boring and there is very little to do or places to go. The town itself, I could take it or leave it.