Saturday, January 30, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 6

Week 6: The City I Live In

This week I am to write about what I am grateful for about the city I live in. 

Well first off, I live in a small town surrounded by barley and wheat fields.  The population is around 700 people.  The next closest town is 17 miles north of us and only has a population of a couple thousand people.  The closest city is 35 miles away.  It is a decent sized city with some entertainment going on.  I'd like to explore that more at some point.

As for the town we live in, I don't have much to say about the town itself.  There isn't a lot going on here that doesn't have to do with school sports.  But I will say that most of the people who live here are good people.  The people, when I actually get out of the house are nice and friendly.  But I don't get out much these days with my 2 month old's sleeping schedule.  Winter here is torturous, especially with a very active 3 year old.

But I think what I am most grateful for is indirectly connected to living where we live.  My husband's somewhat flexibility to help out with the kids during the day and some nights.  In another town at another parish, he might not be able to be so flexible.  The people here have been very gracious with us in allowing my husband to take our kids to the office with him.  It gives our oldest son a place to move around more and get a change of scenery.  It gives our youngest son daddy time on Thursday nights and our oldest and I, mommy/son time which we don't get a lot of these days. 

My husband's flexibility in his schedule and time, is what I am most grateful for about where we live.  It also helps that we live across the street from the church office so he/we can easily go from one place to another.  And I am grateful for the gracious people who allow us to be family together in this place and being flexible themselves.

The town itself is boring and there is very little to do or places to go.  The town itself, I could take it or leave it.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 5

Week 5: Something someone gave you

This week I am to write about something someone gave me.  This is going to be a hard one because some many people have given me so many things.

One of the best gifts I have ever gotten was my grandmother's pearl necklace that I wore for my wedding and wear now for special occasions.  My mom gave them to me to wear for my wedding.  They are the only thing I have of my maternal grandmother's and I cherish them.

I hope someday to pass them onto my granddaughter so she can wear them at her wedding.  My mom could have kept them for herself, but she gave them to me and I am grateful for her generosity and love.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 4

Week 4: A Family Member

For week 4 of the 52 weeks of gratitude challenge I am to write about a family member I am grateful for.

This week, I am going to write about my mom.  She always is willing to listen when I need someone to talk to and she gives good advice.  She is supportive and talks me down when I get too anxious.  She calls me out when I am being ridiculous.  She is my mom but also my friend. 

My mom has gotten me through a lot of tough times and has been with me through some of the best moments of my life.  She is a strong person in every way a person can be strong.  She is my role model and one of my heroes.  I love her more than words can express. 

I will forever be grateful that God gave me such a wonderful woman as my mother!

52 Weeks of Gratitude: Week 3

Week 3: Family

The topic for week three of my 52 weeks of gratitude is family.  I am going to write about my little family that I created with my husband and two awesome sons. 

Our boys give me a reason to get up in the morning and my husband makes me smile, even when I want to throw my hands up and surrender to my anxiety and feels of being overwhelmed.

Our home is chaotic and the schedule is never the same from week to week, but our small family survives the chaos together. Sometimes we are a bit worse for wear. 

I am so grateful for our small family.  God has yet again blessed me with this gift of three amazing men that I get to live with and experience life with everyday.  I am truly grateful and blessed.

Week 52 of Healthier Living in January 2016

For week of: 1/13 - 1/20/2016
Weigh in Weight: 149.6 lbs.
Previous Weigh in Weight: 150.0 lbs.

Goals for Week 52:
1) Crochet more scarves for custom orders
2) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
3) Make healthier snack choices
4) Nap whenever possible
5) Read 30-60 minutes daily
6) Get creative about getting exercise daily while still recovering from c-section

For the last week of my healthier living journey in 2015 and most of January 2016, I worked on and completed 5 out of 6 goals.  I still struggle to make the time to sit and crochet these days, mostly because once I start a project, I need a certain amount of time to work on it each time I sit down to do it.  With an almost two month old and an almost 3 1/2 year old, it's just not happening.  I really want to get started this week sometime though, maybe this weekend.

As for my other goals, I did much better with my water intake and making healthier snack choices during week 52.  I napped when I could and when I wasn't napping, I read.  I got creative about getting some form of exercise each day, but need to work on that more, especially now that I can do a little more intensive things now.  I'd like to get back on the treadmill and slowly work my way back to my speed walking exercising. 

Overall, besides the crocheting, my last week of my healthier living journey was a success.  I am proud of myself for making it through the entire year.  Many times I just wanted to quit, but I didn't.  I persevered and kept with it.  I didn't quit and now I have a story to tell of my year long journey of attempting to live an overall healthier life.

Next and final post:
What I've learned about myself over the year on my healthier living journey

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Week 51 of Healthier Living in 2016

For week of 1/6 - 1/13/2016
Weigh in Weight: 150.0 lbs
Previous Weigh in Weight: 149.0 lbs, gain of 1 lb.

Goals for Week 51:
1) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
2) Make healthier snack choices
3) Crochet more scarves for custom orders
4) Nap whenever possible
5) Read 30-60 minutes a day

Even though I gained 1 lb. by the end of week 51, I did really well on my goals this week.  The only one I didn't work on at all was my goal to crochet more scarves.  I will have a little more time to work on those this weekend because my oldest son will be visiting my husband's parents and I will only have our youngest to take care of while my husband is gone all day Friday and most of Saturday. 

I did not get too many naps in this week, but when I had a chance I took it, even if it was only for a few minutes.  Sometimes I chose to read for part of the time I could have taken a nap.  So I was able to read and take naps.  It was wonderful. :). I was even able to read an entire book this week.  Albeit, it was a short book, but I was able to read the whole thing.  I have made a point of reading before I go to sleep every night the past week and plan to continue to do so, except on the nights I am far to exhausted to.

I had to remind myself to drink at least 80 oz of water daily.  I didn't drink that much everyday, but I tried really hard to do so.  I will continue to work on making sure I drink enough water each day.

I also worked really hard on making healthier snack choices with some success and some failure, but definitely progress.  I will continue to work on this too.

So overall, week 51 was a good week goal wise.  It was a bit rough emotionally and mentally for me and I desperately need to get back into a daily or at least a few times a week walking routine.  My body and mind are suffering from lack of movement.  I've had to take it very easy since I'm still recovering for my c-section.  I see my doctor for my 6 week post-op next Wednesday and will talk to her about the level of exercise I can start doing once she gives me the okay that things have healed nicely and that nothing is wrong.

So for my last week of my healthier living year long journey, I am not going to change my goals.  I currently have goals that will help me physically, mentally, and emotionally.  And that's all for now, so until next time, Keep on keeping on!

Goals for week 52:
1) Crochet more scarves for customs orders
2) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
3) Make healthier snack choices
4) Nap whenever possible
5) Read 30-60 minutes daily
6) Get creative about getting 15-20 minutes of some form of exercise daily while still recovering from c-section

Saturday, January 9, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 2

Week 2: Spouse/Significant Other

For week 2 of my 52 weeks of gratitude challenge, the topic is to write about my spouse. 

Honestly, I don't know where to begin.  I am beyond grateful that God put such a wonderful man in my life and that he is my husband.  I am grateful daily for all of his support as I recover from a c-section after having our youngest son.

Although we don't agree on everything and do to sheer exhaustion, we snip at each other a little more these days, I can't imagine my life without him anymore.

It has been a challenging almost 5 years for me.  Being a pastor's spouse in a small, rural town is hard, but even harder for someone like myself, who likes to go places and be among the masses sometimes.  I am a city girl!  My husband has been with me through it all, the wonderful, the good, the bad and the very ugly.  He is my partner in crime and I love him for it.  I will always be grateful and thank God daily for such an amazing spouse.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Week 50 of Healthier Living in January 2016

For Week of: 12/30/2015 - 1/6/2016
Weigh in Weight: 149.0 lbs
Previous Weigh in Weight: 148.4 lbs.

Goals for Week 50:
1) Read 30 minutes to 1 hour daily
2) Nap whenever possible
3) Crochet more scarves for custom orders and Etsy shop and post listings
4) Make healthier snack choices
5) Start 52 weeks of gratitude challenge blog on 1/1/2016

I am extremely tired tonight so I am going to be brief.  I worked on and completed 3 of my 5 goals for week 50.  I read for at least 30 minutes each day, which was awesome.  Taking the time to read each day, makes me feel human, it makes me feel like myself, my true self.  I started reading the book, The Nightingale, and it is good so far.  I am looking forward to catching up eventually on my TIME magazines as well.

I didn't get to take many naps because I had to take care of one or both of our boys each day.  There was one day I took a short nap while all of us watched a movie.  It was nice to take a nap.  I am hoping to get more naps in as we work on getting a routine down together.

I didn't crochet any new scarves, but plan to crochet two during week 51.

I did pretty well with making healthier snack choices.  I had more fruit and low carb snacks and cheese sticks.  I plan to continue working on making healthier snack choices from now on.  It is a life style choice forever not just for now.  Living a healthier is a life style not just a trend or short term goal. 

And despite my better judgement, I am taking on another year long journey with a 52 weeks of gratitude journal, which I will be blogging about during the whole year of 2016.  I posted my week 1 topic on 1/1, which was my goal.  I didn't know if I wanted to do another year long weekly blogging challenge like my healthier living journey, but decided to do it in the end because, this healthier living journey has been a great one and I am glad I did it.

Most of my goals for week 51 of my healthier living journey are the same as week 50.  I have somethings that I need to work on and get done so I am keeping those on my goals list.  Until next time, Keep on keeping on!

Goals for Week 51: 1/6 - 1/13/2016
1) Drink at least 80 oz of water daily
2) Make healthier snack choices
3) Crochet more scarves for custom orders
4) Nap whenever possible
5) Read 30 - 60 minutes daily

Saturday, January 2, 2016

52 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge: Week 1

Week 1: Why Start This Challenge

I don't make New Year resolutions because they can so easily go by the wayside by February.  But each year I give myself goals to work on throughout the year.  In 2015 and part of January 2016, I journaled and blog about my journey to be an overall healthier person, in mind, body and spirit.

I was having a hard time trying to figure out if I wanted to take on another year long journey, so to find some possible inspiration I looked around on Pinterest and found the 52 weeks of gratitude challenge, which I am starting today with this very post.

Why am I starting this challenge?  2016 looks to be a year of a lot of transition.  Learning how to be a family of four is going to be the biggest one, but there are also many other possible transitions that may take place and until they do, a lot of waiting.  For me, waiting causes anxiety, which in turn causes me to lose focus on the many things I have to be grateful for in my life.

That is why I have decided, even though it is hard at times to stay motivated, to embark on a 52 weeks of gratitude journey in 2016.  I will be using a prompt guide I found on Pinterest.  Each week I will focus on a different thing I am grateful for in my life or about myself.

So come follow along with my journey!  Until next time Keep on keeping on!