Today I met with an old pastor of mine. I have been feeling lost about my future and thought I should seek some guidance. Pastor Mike was very helpful.
Having said that; I am the type of person who follows their gut when it comes to deciding matters that are extremely important and my future, well, it is important. So I came upon a decision, inspired by my old pastor and I believe the holy spirit as well.
I will be returning to Luther Seminary. This time for an MA in Pastoral Care/Faith and Health. It has been made very apparent to me in recent weeks that although I still aspire to become a professor of church history, I feel the need to do something more.
What is that something more you may wonder? It is to provide advise and counseling to young adults and teenagers getting ready to go out and face the world after high school. I have always been interested in counseling and psychology and to be able to use it in a faith setting is just fabulous.
I am also starting the process of becoming a deaconness. I don't know if I spelled that right or not. After doing some research on deaconness roles in the church and the wider community, I believe it will be a good fit for me and give me the ability to do my vocation in an optimal way.
I should/will be starting back at Luther in January, my first class back being my Cross Cultural trip to the Holy Land. I feel it in my gut that this is what I am supposed to do. This is part of the vocation that I have been given by the big HS (holy spirit) and his fellow homies in the big "T" (trinity), the big G (God) and the big JC (Jesus Christ). This is the first time in months that I feel calm and that I am moving in the right path. This is not the path I expected to take at all but it is the one I am being pushed towards and for the first time I am not fighting back because I know in my very being it is what I need to do.
I will keep you all posted with new updates in my vocational adventures. Thank you all for your continued support through these last few months. I know I have not been easy to be around sometimes, but you all stuck by me and there are no words I can say to express my thanks. Love you all and God Bless!!!
Oh my gosh Megan! Wow. That's awesome news. I didn't see it coming either, but I'm glad you found peace. I can't wait to hear more about how you ended up at this decision and more thoughts on the future plans for it. Go you!!
Wow Megan!! I'm so glad for you. I think you would be great at young adult stuff. You provided me with some great conversation during the writing of my thesis about ya suff. AND you have an new apartment!!! Life must be good for you.
That is wonderful Megan, I am very pleased for you. You will rock as a Deacon-ess ;) I know some wonderful deacons in the episcopal church- great women that are also professors!
I'f you'd like I can connect you with my friend Joann who is a professor & deacon and missionary all rolled up in one awesome person :)
Go you!
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