Thursday, February 8, 2007

Classes have started and life is going well...

Classes have started and things are going well. I am TAing again for professor Haemig to make some cash this semester. I have turned in my two weeks notice to my idiot bosses in the office. My last day is Wednesday, Feb. 21. I believe I am going to celebrate by having a drink and watching LOST, which is finally back on the air. Last nights episode was really good. WOOHOO!!! I am diligently working on my thesis. I plan to have the first ten pages of my rough draft done by Monday. We'll see how that goes. I also have class readings to do, so maybe I'll have to cut it down to between 5 and 10. I think that is more reasonable. Maybe I'll get a writing bug up my butt this weekend.
I am so excited about being done with my stupid job at sheol. No one harrassing me to wash the fucking mugs, or having nothing to do and pimping myself out to others for something to do. No more. It's over. WOOHOO!!! Things are going well lately. It is freaking freezing outside mister bigglesworth, but apparently it is supposed to be getting warmer soon. I sure as hell hope so.
I'm supposed to work in the office today from 1-4, but I really don't want to. I'm going to go in anyway because I know it is only temporary and will be done with that place soon.
On another note, someone just drove right through the stop sign outside of my apartment, but of course, not without squeeling their wheels extremely loud first "attempting" to stop and then driving right through. I freaking love drivers. I think it is drive like a jerk month. I swear I've almost been hit ten times this week by idiot people who don't know how to use their blinkers, think they own the road, or people not paying attention. What the dude people, what the dude?!
One more thing, sometimes there is nothing better than getting up in the morning, listening to the radio, and writing a blog about random nonsense that has nothing to do with anything.

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