Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lazy, yet somewhat productive day...

I spent the day in today, trying to regroup from the past two days of for the most part total and utter crapiness. And regroup I did. I stayed home and slept in. When I got up I worked on revamping my resume and wrote a cover letter, which Karen and Jen graciously looked over for me and gave me great pointers. After I finished editing my resume and cover letter I dropped it off at the post office, since my mailman has apparently decided to start coming earlier in the day and I got my car, Ed-Bob, a bath finally. He is much happier with me now. I spent the rest of the day reading and watching TV, doing some more bibliography research for my thesis and just overall hanging out. I probably should have dusted and swiffered my apartment because it is getting pretty disgusting, but I just didn't feel like it. I didn't really feel like doing anything today and yet I got a few things done, one that was very important, applying for a better job. I really hope I get it. Here's to hoping and praying for good things to happen. Things are already starting to look up.

1 comment:

Karen Elizabeth said...

I'm so bored. So so so so so so so bored.