Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Sticking it to the man...

I've officially discovered how I am going to stick it to the man. I just sat through the biggest waste of time alumni dinner for the Luther Seminarians graduating in May. There was not a single MA group represented among the alumni present. If that is not sad enough, every single alum who got up to speak talked only about pastoring to a congregation. Well I've decided, as well as the two other MA's sitting at the table with me and others around the room that somethings got to change. Therefore, I'm going to take it upon myself to stir things up a bit, I don't know how yet, but it's got to be done. I was hoping to meet someone tonight who could point me in a possible direction or get some connections for the future, but all I got was questions and blank stares when I told people I was an MA studying History of Christianity and I was not going to be going on to get my PhD right away after I graduate from Luther. That did not help me at all. And if one more person asks me why I'm not becoming a parish minister I think I'll blow a fucking gasket. Telling the story of our collective Christian past through the study of historical events, people, places and ideas, is just as important as being a freaking pastor. I am so sick of feeling like I just wasted the past two years of my life when I know I haven't. Clearly I am not going to be getting any support from the alumni council or any donors to the seminary for that matter so I'm going to stick it to the man and prove yet again that I and my chosen course of study are worth taking another look at before deeming it worthless. If I don't do something to help remedy the situation for myself and hopefully then for others who the hell else will? So therefore I have taken it upon myself to stick it to the man for all the other underdogs like myself, who aren't getting the support from our beloved community which we have given over the last few years of our lives to.


Karen Elizabeth said...

First, I love your passion- it is compelling in a strange sort of way.

Second, you DID NOT waste your time at Luther- so stop suggesting that you did. You are incredibly intelligent and articulate, as noted by this post, and being at Luther has enhanced that in ways you won't actually know until you need it.

Third, you are sounding like me more and more every day, or maybe we were just separated at birth. Either way, I will take this as an opportunity to say to you what I need to say to myself: Jesus loves you, so just f****** deal with it. You are going to do ministry just like a pastor because you HAVE TO- you know the story, and you will have to tell it because as Christ you know to do nothing else.

Fourth, yes, I know they have a hard time dealing with people who aren't M.Div. It used to be an old boy's club and now it's a wierd elitist pastor club- but they don't mean to be that way...it's called grace and you have to give it to them.

Fifth, I hope you have a wonderful day today in sheol.

A Page From My Notebook said...

I hear ya! Well said...I love it.