Monday, March 5, 2007

Awesome Discovery...

I discovered something awesome today. My friend Krista Anderson showed me the light, the right way, the divine path. She showed me how to use and where to find MA thesis templates on the library website. It is amazing. All I have to do is type and everything is formatted for me. I have never had this experience before. And I got to share it with a friend which is even better. Now I really will be able to write a good thesis in the next few weeks now that I don't have to worry about formatting and all that jazz.
I just had to share this amazing news with everyone. I am just so excited about this. Things are going to be so much easier now. I might actually have extra time now to catch up in my reading for classes. Fat chance!!!
The snow was fun last week and Saturday I ended up hanging out with two of my best friends that I hadn't seen in a while. We went to dinner and then went out dancing. It was nice.
And I was able to go down to Northfield yesterday and spend the day hanging out with my parental units. I love going down there on Sundays. It is just so relaxing, even though I had to read for my Early Church Literature class.
So to end this blog, I want to remind all of you about my awesome discovery today which I mentioned at the beginning of this blog. And to share my relief with all of you fine people. Au revoir mes amis for now.

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